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Knowledge Springs

Filmmaker Kate Jopson takes you on humorous and inspiring adventures with scientists, technicians, and community members in her hometown in Scott Valley in far, far, far Northern California. Discover the amazing lengths people go to understand fresh water and the animals that depend on it.

Journey to the Center of the Snowpack

Once a month between February and May, a crew from the Klamath National Forest snowshoes into the mountains to measure the snowpack. This vital information helps the Scott Valley community prepare for drought and builds scientists’ understanding of how snow feeds the river and aquifer in the valley below.

water and graphs and models - oh my!

Dr. Thomas Harter and his team at University of California, Davis and the UC Cooperative Extention have created a physics model of how water enters and leaves Scott Valley. It’s a powerful tool for figuring out how water use can be tweaked to benefit the environment and the community, but not an easy one to understand…

Guardians of the Groundwater

Dr. Laura Foglia likes directing traffic. Well, traffic of the liquid variety. For years, she’s been experimenting with groundwater recharge in Scott Valley by taking water out of the river when it’s full and putting it on the land. This creates “speed bumps” for the water and keeps it in the valley for longer helping the aquifer and the river stay healthy during the dry months.

Autumn in Scott Valley brings bright leaves, crisp air, and decomposing fish. The beauty and brutality of nature is on full display as Chinook and Coho Salmon travel 150 miles to spawn. After the salmon lay their eggs and die, their bodies still have stories to tell .

For eight months of the year, crews from government agencies, non-profits, and local tribes hike, raft, and snorkel through creeks and rivers to count how many juvenile salmonids (aka “Frys”… or “Parrs” if you’re keeping track) have survived.

This activity was funded in part by the California Arts Council, a state agency, through the Upstate California Creative Corps program. 


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